Grace Margaret Mount...Tommy Too and Bridget Makes 3!

Grace Margaret joined our lives on March 21st, 2005 at 4:27 PM ,Thomas Joshua arrived on December 19th, 2006 at 4:20 PM and Bridget Eileen joined us on November 5th, 2009 at 10:40 AM

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Back from vacay

We are back from Arizona safe and sound. We had such a wonderful time relaxing and staying with Grandma and Grandpa Barrett. Josh attended a conference and it was a great week and the weather was so nice compared to the midwest. Now, back to reality...the snow, the ice and cold temps. The good news is that March is coming up and with that brings Spring birthdays and we kicked off Gigi's in AZ now, onto Grace's next:) The big #3! Enjoy some of the pics from our trip...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Will it ever be Spring??!!!

I am sitting here on what is yet another COLD winter day in Wisconsin...I am trying not to be crabby about it but, enough already! Can it please be warmer at least and can Spring enter this state?! It is bad when we have to drive 2 blocks to our church this morning and Josh had to drop us off because it is freezing outside. Enough said...

The kids are great, Tommy is officially walking! He trots around like a pro and it really has slowed him down a bit. He still finds toilets and all the little "no-no's" around the house. His favorite activity is to find a treasure and walk around the house with it. Other than that excitement, being "1" is treating him well and bringing him some new teeth too!
Grace is almost 3...crazy that she is going to have a birthday next month. She is officially signed up for preschool in the Fall and we are so excited for her!! We still do "friend school" which is awesome and every week. She loves it and it is fun to have the kids over and do the activities and it is great to have the break when it is not my week to host. She is going to be doing gymnastics in a few weeks and is so excited for that- the world opens up when you trun 3 that is for sure:) We are staying very busy during this winter which has been great. We leave on Saturday for sunny Arizona. Josh has a conference in Scottsdale to attend for work so the location can't be more perfect. This was the conference that brought us to the Dominican Republic last year. This year, we visit Gigi and Papa Barrett:)!

Teddy is still up to his old tricks...eating and sleeping lots. He has been a very good boy and it is always a good thing when we do not have any Teddy adventures to report.

Happy Freezing, Cold, February Day....may Spring be here soon.

The Mounts

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Grace was so proud this morning-- she dressed herself!!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Tommy is walking! It is pretty darn cute to see the little guy truckin' along. This picture was taken after his nap so, the little onesie is popping out. Walking has actually slowed him down a bit and he is so funny because he walks and laughs and has such a good time for himself!

Sunday, February 03, 2008

Another snowy day picture...we will be happy to be in Arizona in a few weeks b.c we are so tired of the snow and cold weather.

Silly smile...Grace LOVES playing with her dollies and this is "Polly Dolly" the one she is holding. She wanted me to take Polly's picture.

Happy Groundhog Day! We have been slacking on our blog, the kids are enjoying some time in the snow together.