Grace Margaret Mount...Tommy Too and Bridget Makes 3!

Grace Margaret joined our lives on March 21st, 2005 at 4:27 PM ,Thomas Joshua arrived on December 19th, 2006 at 4:20 PM and Bridget Eileen joined us on November 5th, 2009 at 10:40 AM

Monday, May 28, 2007

Say cheese! Grace is really stretching out the word ..CHeeesee!!

Tommy Joshua having fun with Grandma!Look how big he is getting, (the rolls on his legs- this kid lOves his food!:) He is just so much fun and such a little sweetie!!

Grace is washing her car...she asked Josh for the hose, he turned around and she said, "Daddy I need to wash my car!" and so the girl is a master with the hose!!

Too cute, holding hands...our little man is a FLIRT with the ladies!

We had our little neighbor friend, Natalie over last week. Tommy had fun having his first playdate! We watched Natalie so her mommy could be with her big brother, we had fun!!

It is fun to play on Memorial Day!

Busy weekend here at the Mount house...filled with fun and projects! Josh had a long weekend off and we made the most of it.

We kicked it off with a bbq at Grandpa and Grandma Mount's house. We got to meet our new little cousin, Sam. Too sweet that little bundle!!

Gracie went to her first movie with mommy on Saturday morning. We had a special mommy and Gracie day and went to see Shrek the 3rd. She loved it!! Of course, we only made it through the movie until she finished up the bag of popcorn- a BIG bag;) Then we went shopping! Total fun. We had a date night this weekend and the kids had fun with the babysitter, Elizabeth. Then, Grandma came over to watch the kids while we did house projects. Of course there is still more to do, it never ends. Needless to say, the kids are pooped and were in bed by 6:30 tonight.

Our little guy LOVES food and so we had to up the offerings a bit. Little Mr. Thomas had squash this weekend. He loves it and can't get enough! That along with his bottles and cereal finally make for a full belly and happy slumber. 3 squares and this what it is like having a boy?! :))

Happy Memorial Day to all...which brings summer fun ahead. Enjoy the pictures.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Tommy J is 5 months old!! Our little guy is getting so big and so sweet and happy!!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

First Trip to Children's Hospital ER Today

What a morning we have had here in the Mount house!

This morning I had the kids together on Gracie's bed as I was getting clothes ready for the day. A fluky thing happened and I turned for one second and Tommy was crying, not sure what happened I thought maybe he is just tired or hungry. Trying both, he still continued to have a cry that was not his normal fussy one. So, I put him to sleep and noticed he was not moving his right arm. To make a long story short, I called the Pediatrician and they said to bring him into Children's ER because he is so little, we needed to make sure he did not break it. Josh and I brought him in and Gracie went to the Bryne's house. Thank goodness for friends!! And off we went...we got in right away, thank God. An Xray later and some manipulating of his right arm, Tommy was all better~!!
Turns out, he had "nursemaids elbow"
The awesome Doc said that it was a fluky thing that probably happened just by pulling on it a little bit and it could happen again. SO...we now know some manipulation exercises if it happens again in the future which I do hope it does not. It is AWESOME that we live right by Children's hospital, though we can't put our kids in bubbles, it is nice to have it right nearby.

Needless to say, both children are happily sleeping right now. What a busy morning:)

Monday, May 14, 2007

Mother's Day with 2 kidlets!

It was a great Mother's Day weekend. We were down in IL for Tim's graduation on Saturday and on Sunday had a very nice Mother's Day dinner. Grace and Tommy and Teddy too were so good to mommy this year. What beautiful weather we had this weekend!! Lots to be thankful for, that is for sure:) More pics to come.

Congratulations Uncle Tim on graduating from Loyola with your MBA!! We are so proud of you!! Now, he is off to Ireland on Friday for a celebratory vacation. He deserves it.

(This is the only picture that turned out..Chasing Gracie made for hard picture taking on Saturday:)

Just a goofy picture because Teddy is the only one looking at the camera.

We call this picture, "Tommy strikes back"

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

April Showers Bring May Flowers

Where did March and April go? It is amazing that it is May already!! All is well here on the homefront. We are FINALLY rid of the viruses that zapped our house. This fresh weather must have something to do with it. Not too much new to report, the kidlets are doing great. Grace is loving the fact that she can play outside again and Tommy is enjoying that he can be outside and getting some fresh air. Enjoy the new pics.

Grace is showing Tommy the rules of the road at a young age:)

Brother and Sister, May 2007