Grace Margaret Mount...Tommy Too and Bridget Makes 3!

Grace Margaret joined our lives on March 21st, 2005 at 4:27 PM ,Thomas Joshua arrived on December 19th, 2006 at 4:20 PM and Bridget Eileen joined us on November 5th, 2009 at 10:40 AM

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Holy Cuteness!! Today I took Grace and Tommy to the hair salon. Tommy got his first haircut. He was such a good boy for the cut and Grace loves getting her haircut so, she was so good and too excited!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Rain, rain go away...

Well, we have had enough rain here! Our flowers and lawn told us, enough is enough. We want the sunshine back and the humidity to leave our happy little place. Gracie is no longer afraid of the thunder that comes along with our friend "Rain", I will thank Mother Nature for that learning lesson. When it rains on a daily basis with thunder a little 2 year old will outgrow her fear rather quickly! Tommy really is very happy trucking around the house and too busy to notice "Rain". So, I have made my point. All is well here on the homefront. Grace, Tommy and Teddy are doing well.

Well, I will start with a little story about Teddy...

This morning, I made muffins with Grace. She loves to cook and bake. So, we had a friend coming over for a visit today so, I thought let's bake. Note to self, do not do this without having had at least 2 cups of coffee prior to this endeavor. Grace did the stiring. The oven did the baking. Tommy sat in his highchair eating rice krispies so he was happy and walaaa...muffins ready. So, it was time to try 1-- I stress the number 1!! Well, with a 2 year old an 8 month old who loves whatever his big sister is eating can lead to chaos in the kitchen---and, again Mommy had not enough coffee at this point. This is where Teddy gets involved. He was begging at Grace and Tommy's chair. So, down goes muffin number 1 from Grace. The dog ran off to the dining room with it. I grabbed him by the tail, he ate the muffin and the wrapper! While I am chasing him, Gracie grabs another muffin, starts to eat it and Teddy runs back and scares her and number 2 falls to the ground. I did not see this one because I had to tend to Tommy wanting a taste. SO, Teddy gets number 2! He now has two Elmo cupcake wrappers in his stomach. By 10 am, Teddy now had a total of 3 wrappers from muffins. (I can't remember how #3 happened, the dog is quick and has to survive in this house ) AGAIN, I stress I need coffee!! To make a long story short, the kids LOVED the breakfast, Gracie was extremely proud of the baked goods we made together and Tommy had a full belly so, he was a happy little fellow and Teddy now needs to get his stomach pumped. This my friends is all before I had a good cup of coffee and we even got ready for the day. I now am laughing because before the rain came tonight, I had Teddy outside in case of Montezuma's revenge...which has not and I am not looking forward to the outcome of this story.

Grace and Tommy are doing great and each day we laugh with these two little wonders. The kids are enjoying many fun summer activities. Tommy loves going along with us and is so fun now that he gets to enjoy all of this stuff:) He loved story time at the library and music class. He just graduated out of the little bucket car seat and into the big baby one. Gracie gave up her much loved pacifier. That was a huge milestone in her life. We have more pictures to post of our adventures, we will do that soon.

We are all well and life is good.

Monday, August 20, 2007

I went into the kitchen for one minute and came back to find the littlest Mount in this house had climbed up on the end table and was giddy happy at his newest trick! He is keeping us on his toes with his adventures, Monkey Boy!!

Grace is playing with the sand table at Betty Brinn's museum. This is her most favorite thing to play with this summer besides water play, of course! Notice the look of concentration. No posing pictures for her, she was too busy playing!

Tommy is having fun at Betty Brinn's! Such a big boy, he got to enjoy the fun stuff that the children's museum has to offer.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Do these two look like brother and sister or what?!! :)

We love this picture- Grace and Tommy look so happy! This is what being a parent is all about.

Adventure Boy, Tommy Mount! Today he tried to crawl under the end table and I found him hiding:)) Look at the joy on his face!!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Monkey See, Monkey Do...

Grace thought it would be funny to wear the funny hats. These are nets from the Butterfly Catcher game that she loves. Under parent supervision of course:)

Tommy is ALL BOY! Today he discovered the fun game of throwing a ball under the exersaucer and climbing under and through it! You can imagine what joy this has brought to our little guy's life (and ours too;)