Grace Margaret Mount...Tommy Too and Bridget Makes 3!

Grace Margaret joined our lives on March 21st, 2005 at 4:27 PM ,Thomas Joshua arrived on December 19th, 2006 at 4:20 PM and Bridget Eileen joined us on November 5th, 2009 at 10:40 AM

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Grace will be such a good big sister! She has such love for her dollie and walking her outside. We hope this carries over to her little brother.

Taking a walk outside with dollie and her stroller.

Grace decided to take dollie for a walk today. Dollie and her stroller are Grace's most favorite treasures!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

THE TOMATO! (see story below)

Looking cool in Mommy's shades.

We have tomatoes!

You have to understand, this is BIG news in our house... we have NEVER had a home grown anything!! Poor Grandpa Barrett has been trying for years to grow tomatoes so, when we made our first attempt this summer to grow them here in Tosa, we prayed, we watered, we talked very nice to them and put them in the sun to grow. Walaaaaaaaaaaa! The tomato curse has been lifted!!! We ate our first little, bitty, RED and oh so delicious tomato tonight. Now, we hope the rest of them turn red before our little Grace plucks all of them off the branches...her latest FAVORITE thing to do. She has found so many treasures on the branches:) Teddy even approved as he tried one tonight. A picture of our tomato is coming. It is a little one but, very cute. This is BIG stuff in the Mount house! ;)

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Grace, Ava, and Luc Swiatek all together for a picture!

Grace and her buddy Ava Swiatek holding hands and watching Elmo together.

Gracie and Daddy ready to run through the sprinkler!!

The Mount Family over for a visit. We had Uncle Nick and Aunt Diana's wedding this week. It was beautiful! We had such a nice visit with family near and far! Notice, Teddy made the cut. He was able to join in with the group as he has a new and improved SHOCK collar that keeps him in good shape with visitors. He is a new and improved DOG.

Gracie talking to her GREAT-Grandma Stewart

Grace with her GREAT-Grandpa Stewart

Grace with Grandpa Mount:) What cuties together!

Walking far, far down the street with Papa.

smelling flowers or a plant thing? we were at a party at a coworker's house of Josh's and Grace loved the nature/scenary:)

sprinkler days! Grace LOVES running into water!! the sprinkler, the hose, anything!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Happy Heat Wave:) We are happy to share the news on our blog that Grace will be a big sister in December to a little brother!! We are so excited!!!!

Our ultrasound went very well. Most importantly, the little guy is healthy and growing beautifully. Gracie was with Grandma and Grandpa Barrett for the day and when we came home to share the news with her, she clapped. We will take that as a positive sign for being a big sister in training. On the other hand, when we ask her if she wants a baby brother, she says, "no" She also says, "no" for a baby sister, a baby turtle, a baby dog, and all sorts of questions that start with "Do you...". So, we are not really sure if she means it:)...we know she doesn't;)

Of course, we went out shopping after the ultrasound and had to buy the little guy some blue stuff as our house has a lot of "girl power" in it.

On another note, on Mondays during the summer Grace has been going to a music and dance class, it is the funniest thing to do with her, she loves it. We will have pictures of it on the blog soon.

So, it was a great Monday here at the Mount house. Pictures coming soon.
Hugs to all.

Friday, July 14, 2006

I love spaghetti! Say, cheese:)

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Oooohhh! I got a big book to read!!

Favorite thing to do...reading books.

Just having fun:)

Monday, July 03, 2006

Happy 4th of July! Summer is here and flying by. All is well on the homefront here at the Mount house. We were down in IL this weekend visiting friends and staying with "GiGi and Papa" Barrett as Grace calls them. We took Grace to her first kid's concert at Ravinia with friends. It was fun even though we had traffic and parking issues, we caught the last songs. Oh well, it was fun to hang out and picnic with our buddies. Josh is having a "daddy-daughter" day with some buddies at the zoo today so, that means Mommy has free time:) For the 4th, we have a parade in Tosa which we think Grace will really love! And, in a couple weeks we have the big ultrasound in which we will get to see Baby Mount #2's picture:) This pregnancy is flying by and our little Christmas present will be here before we know it, we can't wait:)) We hope all is well and wish everyone a Happy 4th of July!