Grace Margaret Mount...Tommy Too and Bridget Makes 3!

Grace Margaret joined our lives on March 21st, 2005 at 4:27 PM ,Thomas Joshua arrived on December 19th, 2006 at 4:20 PM and Bridget Eileen joined us on November 5th, 2009 at 10:40 AM

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Life is a party for little Tommy J!


This is our little guy- happy!!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I just love this picture! Gracie turned around to hug Grandma and Grandpa Barrett as we were walking back to our cars after dinner. We took her to her favorite restaurant. We went to the Chancery where they have a choo-choo train pass by the room we sat in. Gracie loves it because you get popcorn before dinner. Thus, she has named it "The Popcorn Store"

Tommy J. having fun on his big sister's birthday!

Grace and her best buddy Matthew on her 2nd birthday!

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Family picture from Gracie's birthday party today. We will be celebrating again on Wednesday, her actual birthdate. Birthday bonanza 2007!

We kicked off birthday bonanza week for Gracie Margaret today and had birthday cake to celebrate! We will celebrate on her actual birthday but, Gracie was loving the cake and laughing with family. It is so fabulous to be the age of 2!! Her shirt says, in sparkly letters, "I am 2"

Gracie and Tommy dancing together-- It was too cute. Grace was doing "ring around the rosey" with her brother. notice the tu-tu on Grace, she has to dance with it! Too funny, we were cracking up!!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Spring has Sprung!

This weekend brought sunshine and hopes that winter is behind us! March is such a special month in our house as it is Gigi Barrett's, Grace's and Kathy's birthday:) Our Gigi is in Arizona and we are hoping they bring some AZ sun back with them. This weekend was so nice and relaxing and much needed after our travels home from Punta Cana. As relaxing as our trip was, it took the week to get back in the swing of things. Time is flying and next week will be Grace's second birthday and Tommy will be 3 months old~~ where is the time going?!! Gracie is very excited about turning 2 and what a hoot she is these days. We could not wait to give her the tricycle we bought her so, we took it out today for a spin around the neighborhood. She loved it and more so loved splashing in the puddles. Tommy loved the stroll and gave us many smiles. The kidlets are doing great, Tommy is so big and getting bigger by the day. We are really enjoying him. He is a total sweetheart and rarely fusses unless he is hungry then, watch out! We got a giggle from him this weekend which made our hearts melt. Looking back when Grace was this age, we were in paranoid first time parent mode;) We made the big bed switch too. Gracie loves her big girl bed and Tommy is doing well in his crib. He outgrew the bassinet and moses basket that we had him in so, we made the switch and it was pretty far. It is true when they say, "these days go so fast, treasure them"...I feel like it was just yesterday, we were on baby watch with Grace and awaiting her arrival. Now, we are on toddler watch and making sure she does not fall from the chair she just climbed, or not coloring on the wall with her markers or crayons, or watching her as she gives Teddy a TON of food. (That could be another blog post altogether,oy!) It is all too fun.

Tommy is doing "tummy time" - can't say that he loves it so very much:) As long as he has his sister or someone else to entertain him, we get smiles:)

Grace LOVES her new tricycle. Actually, we think she loved the fact that she was OUTSIDE in the sunshine and splashing in puddles and enjoying all that this beautiful day had to offer:)

Grace got an early birthday present, her first tricycle! We got it for her but, had to try it out early since the weather was so nice today!

Saturday, March 03, 2007

We just got back from Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. What a wonderful and relaxing time we had!! The kids had a blast. The beach was beautiful and the all inclusive accomodations were fabulous. We had a family suite so it made for an easy time with little kidlets and the weather...well, much nicer than home:)

Tommy and Grace in the "Palapa" as the Dominicans call it. It was great, a covered hut in which the kids could stay out of the hot sun and even took naps in it each day!

Gracie on the beach.

Tommy...catching some rays.

Gracie dancing with her buddy Omar.

Tommy and Mommy dancing too...

Grace dancing the night away with the Dominican band.

Grace and Daddy ~ first night in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic

First night in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Mommy and Tommy.