Grace Margaret Mount...Tommy Too and Bridget Makes 3!

Grace Margaret joined our lives on March 21st, 2005 at 4:27 PM ,Thomas Joshua arrived on December 19th, 2006 at 4:20 PM and Bridget Eileen joined us on November 5th, 2009 at 10:40 AM

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Well, summer is here and we are almost half way through it! Grace is getting bigger by the day, we cannot believe she will be 4 months old next week! We are having fun this summer and are very busy. We are out and about going to the zoo, taking walks with Teddy down by the river and we visit with friends and family often. It is so nice being home with Grace, she has such a sweet personality, is always smiling and it is such easy going baby, poor kid never knows where she will be next! She took her first trip down to Chicago to visit Uncle Tim and we helped set up his new condo which he will be moving to in a month. As many of you know, it is #1907, Aunt Peg's old place, we are keeping it in the family and Tim is quite excited to be overlooking Wrigley Field and the lake. Aunt Peg would be so happy!! Mom and Dad Barrett are celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary on the 25th of July , we are having a special dinner for them...where have all the years gone? Ella Trevino comes over a few days a week and it is so good for Grace to have a buddy at our place. They are really cute together as they just look and smile and babble back and forth, someday we will know what they are saying!:) Josh's sister Carrie and her family moved back from Connecticut, it is so good to have them back and to have another mom to hang out with in town! We have been slow in taking pictures and will get more on the blog soon. W e have been working on taking videos of Grace as we never got to take them when she was first born. We almost forgot to take pictures as we were so excited to see her.


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